QUOTA: You should have read the brochure.
Dave Dixon is looking for a job on-line when he is interrupted by the Metro City Census Taker. This is unlike any census Dixon has ever taken and when he’s asked whether or not he was spanked as a child he refuses to answer. That causes the Census taker to call for police back up and Dixon finds himself being targeted for corrective action because of his unemployment and the fact that he’s left-handed. When a 2-kilo bag of white sugar is found on the premises and Dixon is facing jail time he has to make a moral choice between naming names and protecting himself.
One-Act Comedy – 2M, 1W, Single Set, 27 Minutes
One of the purposes of theatre and story is to provoke discussion. Discussion about politics, morality, relationships, love, religion, and power. And comedy allows us to shine a light on attitudes and behaviours in a way that drama doesn’t. That’s why I wrote QUOTA. I wanted to use comedy to open a window on how individuals go from being a member of society to becoming an identified minority and having their rights violated. Hopefully, this play will evoke some discussion about history, society, individual freedom and current political trends.
“All societies are based on codes of behaviour and when someone deviates from that code there has to be a way to handle the situation otherwise chaos would reign supreme, and we don’t want that now do we. We want everything nice and tidy. All the socks in the sock drawer and all the undies in the undie drawer.”
Kathie, Civic Census Taker – QUOTA

2017 – Audience Appreciation Award: Skyblue Theatre Company: British Theatre Challenge Act II – London, England
2017 Skyblue Theatre Company: British Theatre Challenge 2017: Act II – London, England
2016 Short-Listed for the British Theatre Challenge, Skyblue Theatre, United Kingdom
2015 Winner Warner International Playwrights Festival – Torrington, Connecticut, USA
QUOTA premiered at The British Theatre Challenge Act II in London England at the LOST Theatre. The production featured Anthony Acosta as Mr. Dixon, Stacey Norris as Kathie, Alex Dowdin as Officer Carmichael and was directed by the Artistic Director of Sky Blue Theare John Mitton and Christina Bartram. You can watch the entire production below or follow the link and watch the play on YouTube.
Dave Dixon – a Citizen
Kathie – a census taker
Mitch Carmichael – a policeman
Dave Dixon’s condominium. Sleek and modern.
The not too distant future.