Perfect Match: Every relationship has a glitch or two.
The Perfect Match Corporation provides humans with robotic companions. Sarah Quan has run into her old boyfriend Christopher Connor and invited him and his robotic companion Melissa over to have dinner with her and her glitchy robotic companion Leo. It soon becomes apparent that Sarah and Christopher still have feelings for each other and Leo sensing the attraction is determined to keep Sarah and Christopher apart by any means necessary.
One Act Comedy – 2M, 2W, single setting, 30 minutes
“That’s the unfortunate thing about pe-pe-people. They can’t change. But I can. I can be whatever you want me to be. I can be your per-per-perfect match.”
You know, from Romeo and Juliet to When Harry met Sally stories about love have fascinated us. Even a film about tough guys and war like Casablanca has at its core a love story. I think love is a fundamental need. We want someone to share our life; to share the burden; to share the joy; to share the pain; to share our home and our bed and our hopes and our dreams. But that doesn’t mean everyone knows how to love. Love demands honesty. And not everyone is willing to be honest. Secrets destroy relationships. If you have secrets and lies then you don’t actually have love you have deception. Real love demands truth.
But that doesn’t mean love can’t be funny. Sometimes when our hearts are hurting and we feel alone in the world the best medicine is a good laugh. Because we’re all part of the human struggle and laughter more than anything helps us get through the tough times. And when love turns against us, or when we act foolish and throw away something good, most of us, I would venture to say, once our hearts have healed, are willing to give love a second chance or a third chance or a fourth chance – because life is about taking chances and if anything in life is worth taking a chance on – it’s love.
So in celebration of love and second chances I hope that you’re planning something special for Valentine’s day or the anniversary of your first date with your perfect match. Or if you’re not and you’ve settled for something less than perfect maybe you should check out The Perfect Match Corporation which provides humans with perfect robotic companions…or at least that’s the premise of my one-act comedy – Perfect Match – a story of love, romance, and robotics.
Sarah – a woman in her late 20s
Leo – her perfect match who happens to resemble Christopher
Christopher – a man in his late 20s
Melisa – his perfect match who happens to resemble Sarah
Sarah’s condo
Four generations into the future.
2016 – Därkhorse Drämatists Write to the Heart – Plays on Love Festival – Binghamton, New York, USA