500 bucks and a pack of smokes

500 bucks and a pack of smokes: How much is your life worth?

After being told by his doctor that he’s dying Donny Bracco put out a contract out on his own life. So, when his Doctor calls him on his birthday and tells him the lab made a mistake, Donny is more than a little upset. Making matters worse, the original killer Donny hired, subcontracted the hit to another killer – who subcontracted it to another killer – who subcontracted it to another killer – who doesn’t know Donny is the one who put the hit out on himself. With time running out, Donny has to find the killer and convince him to call off the hit, otherwise this might be the last birthday he ever celebrates.

One Act Comedy, 3+, 2M & 1W, multiple sets, 60 minutes

“I like that the script moves so quickly. I like the dry humour. I like that everything is huge and that a lot of the humour allows for the actors to get up and play a lot more with the words. And the characters were so clearly delineated, and I have one guy playing Vinnie, Murphy, Powell and Stubby and he’s having a lot of fun creating all those characters.”

Ruthie Dworin
Director, 500 bucks and a pack of smokes

“ James Hutchison masterfully executes the rule of three in this delightfully quick comedy. FIVE HUNDRED BUCKS AND A PACK OF SMOKES is funny, perfectly paced, and pure fun. #PlaywrightPlug ”

Quinn Xavier Hernandez
Playwright – New Play Exchange


Donny Bracco: A Teacher
Vinnie Torelli: A Hitman
Sophia Falco: A Widow
Sid Valencia: A Butcher
Carmen Valencia: A Sister
Detective Murphy: A Cop
Detective Powell: A Cop
Stubby: A Hobo

Vinnie, Sid, Detective Murphy, and Stubby can all be played by the same actor.
Sophia, Carmen, and Detective Powell can all be played by the same actor.


Stromboli’s Italian Restaurant
The Sausage King
Donny’s Apartment


Donny’s 30th Birthday


2018 – Semi-Finalist – Rover Dramawerks Full-Length Comedy and Farces Play Contest – Plano, Texas, USA


2019 – Reva and David Logan Center for the Arts, University of Chicago – Chicago, Illinois, USA